Denyce Watties-Daniels D.N.P., MSN, R.N.
4th, 417
2500 W. North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216
Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels is an Associate Professor with over 25 years of nursing practice and nursing education experience. Areas of clinical expertise include critical care, medical-surgical nursing, fundamentals of nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and technology/informatics.
Dr. Watties-Daniels is a national conference speaker on the use of technology in the classroom and health-related issues. She is the author of a monthly healthcare column in Grace and Glory magazine. She is a certified online educator through the Maryland Higher Education Quality Matters program and the Online Learning Consortium.
Beroz, S., Schneidereith, T., Farina, C. L., Daniels, A., Dawson, L., Watties-Daniels, D., & Sullivan, N.
(2019). A Statewide Curriculum Model for Teaching Simulation Education Leaders. Nurse Educator. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000000661
Tilghman, J.; Doswell, J.; Collington, S.; Watties-Daniels, D. (2018). Innovative utilization of augmented
reality and simulation to promote nursing practice. Annals of Nursing and Primary Care. 1(1).
Gambo JM; Bahreman NT; Watties-Daniels D; Neal M; Swoboda SM, (August 2017). Can mobile
Technology enhances learning and change educational practice- CIN Computers Informatics Nursing 35(8):375-380, DOI 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000380.
Murray, T., Philipsen, N., Pope, D., Hart, N., Wood, S., Wood, C., Lamm, E., Tolson, D., Watties-Daniels,
D., (2012). Buyer beware: stopping fraud in nursing education. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 8, 702-706.
Philipsen, N., Murray, T., Belgrave, L., Bell-Hawkins, A., Robinson, V., Watties-Daniels, D. (2012).
Criminal background checks in nursing: safeguarding the public. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 8, 707-711.
Black, C. and Watties-Daniels, D. (Summer 2006). Cutting Edge Technology to Enhance Nursing Classroom Instruction at Coppin State University. ABNF Journal, 17:3.
Evans, K., Gordon, F., Watties-Daniels, D. (Spring, 1996). Nursing Education Assessment in the Traditional Black College. Adult Assessment Forum: Journal of Quality Management in Adult-Centered Education. 6:1
Director, Simulation and Learning Resource Centers
Coordinator, Assessment and Remediation
Course Coordinator, NURS 319 Pathophysiology; NURS 310 Pharmacology
BSN- Coppin State [College]
MSN- University of Maryland, School of Nursing
DNP- University of Maryland, School of Nursing
Member of Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society-Pi Chapter; the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Maryland Community and Colleges Simulation Users Network (MCCSUN); Maryland Clinical Simulation Resource Consortium (MCSRC); Maryland State Department of Health and Hygiene, Social Determinants of Health subcommittee, the Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders (MONL), and Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
Areas of Research interest include implementing teaching and learning concepts and innovation, the use of technology in the classroom, and clinical simulation.
Recipient of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Professor of the Year -Impact on Technology Award; the Coppin State University Excellence Award; the Harriett Tubman Legacy in Nursing Award in Adult Health-Black Nurses Association of Baltimore, Chi Eta Phi, Gamma Chapter; and the Outstanding Alumni Award, Coppin State University College of Health Professions.
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