
Student Email


Learn how to access your CSU student email account.

CSU employees, visit http://office365.coppin.edu/ to access your email.

Accessing your CSU Student Email

Option #1

Visit the Student Portal (euspringdeals.top/studentportal)

  1. Select Campus Email. You will be routed to the CSU Single Sign On Page

  2. Enter CSU Email (ex. JDoe00@student.coppin.edu)

  3. Enter Password - remember that your password is case sensitive, click Sign In

  4. If this is your first time logging in to your email, click the down arrow on the right of the Time Zone box, choose Eastern Time, U.S., Canada, then click Save

Option #2

Go to Office 365 (http://office365.coppin.edu/)

  1. Enter CSU Email (ex. JDoe00@student.coppin.edu), click Next

  2. You will be routed to the CSU Student Single Sign On page

  3. Enter your CSU Email - if it is not automatically entered

  4. Enter Password - remember that your password is case sensitive, click Sign In.

  5. If this is your first time logging into your email, click the down arrow on the right of the Time Zone box, choose Eastern Time, U.S., Canada, then click Save

Current Students

If your password is incorrect, you may need to reset your password.

Prospective Students

As an applicant to Coppin State University, you will not have access to CSU Email. Once you are matriculated to a “Student” by the Office of Admissions, your CSU Email account will be created automatically.

Accessing Coppin Email from your Mobile Device

  1. Visit the App Store from your device

  2. Download Microsoft Outlook

  3. Click Office 365

  4. Enter Coppin Email (ex. JDoe00@student.coppin.edu) 

    1. App will link you to Coppin State University official email login page

  5. Enter Password

IOS Instructions for email

  1. Select Settings

  2. Select Passwords & Accounts

  3. Select Add Account

  4. Select Exchange

  5. Enter Coppin student email (JDoe00@student.coppin.edu)

  6. Next Coppin email browser will launch

  7. Enter your password

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