J. Millard Tawes Center

Spring Career Fair

Sponsored by Career and Professional Services


Wednesday, April 9, 2025
1:00 p.m.
Physical Education Complex

Speak to
John McCray
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Parlett Moore Library, 4th Floor
(410) 951-3919

Career and Professional Services welcomes Coppin State University students to attend its annual Spring Career Fair.

Why Attend?

The Spring Career Fair is a valuable resource as you explore career and graduate school options. Meet and talk to representatives from a broad spectrum of companies and graduate schools.

How to Prepare

  • Do your research on the organizations and graduate schools that will be attending
  • Prepare some questions for the recruiters.
  • Practice introducing yourself. Include your full name, major, graduation date, and career interest as it relates to the company or graduate school.
  • Choose your outfit. Plan to dress professionally and wear comfortable shoes.

Day of the Career Fair

  • Arrive early and bring multiple copies of your resume in a portfolio or folder.
  • Take notes and a business card so you can follow up with a thank you note or email to each recruiter you spoke with at the career fair.
  • Carry as little as possible and turn off or silence cell phones prior to going into the career fair.
  • Be confident, direct, and take the initiative to ask questions.

Participating Employers and Schools

To help you prepare, you can now view the list of participating employers and schools on Handshake. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with potential employers and explore various career paths. Log in to Handshake today and start planning your career fair experience!

View Participating Employers on Handshake

Need Help

Career and Professional Services

Coppin Eagle Achievement Center