A Conversation with the CSU Alumni Executive Board

Executive Board
There are so many ocean metaphors. Some proclaim its beauty, and others its moodiness. And who better to have at the helm of a ship on calm or stormy seas than a leader and crew able to handle any situation? Much like that illustration, CSU has an Alumni Executive Board with a leader at the helm and a company maneuvering the SEAS through Support. Encouragement. Assistance. and Stewardship for their alma mater.
A few of the members of the Alumni Executive Board weighed in on their views about serving, supporting, and their hopes for Coppin.
What does Coppin mean to you?
“It means opportunity and a chance for people to step into their adulthood and start to share their gift with the community. It’s the place where I recognized my dreams and started to achieve them.” (Dermaine Wardrick ‘00)
“When I think of Coppin I think of a place where there’s love overflowing, I wish I was back there with the things I been knowing… (smile). While I jokingly used the lyrics from the song “Home” of the movie The Wiz, the sentiment is true. Coppin feels like home, it’s a place of love, support and growth. From the instructors that shaped and molded me to the administrators that supported me. It’s the place where I made lifelong friendships and began to build my professional network.” (Dawn Kemp ‘94)
Why is it important that you serve Coppin?
“Serving as the immediate past president of the Coppin State University National Alumni Association has been one of the greatest rewards of my professional career. Coppin State University will continue to play an important role in my personal life as well. It is here that I was able to flourish, was nurtured, and afforded opportunities to grow and compete in the STEM arena, and to give back to my beloved Coppin State and the community.” (Mary Owens- Southall ‘75)
When you think about the members of the Board, what is the first thing that comes to mind?
“Dedicated is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of the members of the Alumni Association Board. Each member seems to be very eager and willing to do what is needed of them to carry out the mission of engagement and supporting alumni and many others.” (Sha’Nika Lewis ’17, ‘20)
What’s the best part of Coppin?
“Coppin has always kept a modest and humble profile with a tremendous wealth of gems. You never know what exactly to expect from Coppin. Coppin provides and nurtures like a mother all of those who enter the doors and are willing to receive.” (Kenneth Pough ‘97)
“The students! Without them, there wouldn't be a need to serve, achieve, or strategize for the future.” (Lurita Johnson ‘00)
What is your desire for Coppin?
“My desire for Coppin as we move forward into the 21st century, is for the university to continue to be great. As people see the great and wonderful things that Coppin State University has to offer. It is my hope that enrollment will increase, more funding will be awarded, more students and alumni will participate in events and continue to give back to this awesome university. I love my HBCU. I am Coppin proud.” (Sha’Nika Lewis ’17, ‘20)
“I hope that Coppin continues to thrive in its own right.” (Kenneth Pough ‘97)
“My greatest desire for Coppin is that more people in the state of Maryland and beyond learn of the great talent that is on campus and that is produced on Coppin’s campus. When I first started matriculating at Coppin years ago it wasn’t a familiar institution in Maryland, that has changed some but not enough.” (Dawn Kemp ’94)
“That we honor our past, work and achieve in our present, and pave the way for greater longevity in our future.” (Lurita Johnson ‘00)
“I would like to see our school grow in size, grow its brand and grow its programs. I wish that Coppin can attract more students from areas outside of Baltimore.” (Dermaine Wardrick ‘00)
“To continue to grow and provide a world-renowned education for every student that walks through our buildings. GO EAGLES!!!” (Medea Kennedy ‘06)
Members of the Alumni Executive Board are:
President: Leticia Madry ‘03
First Vice President: Torri Carter ‘99
Second Vice President: TBD
Treasurer: Lurita Johnson ‘00
Recording Secretary: Medea Kennedy ‘06
Parliamentarian: Sha’Nika Lewis ’17, ‘20
Sergeant-at-Arms: Dawn Kemp ’94
Immediate Past President: Dr. Mary Owens-Southall ‘75
Alumni Chapter Representatives: Janel Harris ‘19, Kenneth Pough ‘97, Dermaine Wardrick ‘00
Student Representative: Miajavon Coleman