Dr. Tracy L.F. Worley, PMP teaches English Composition in the College of Arts, Sciences, and Education. She is s peer reviewer for Feminist Media Studies and her participation in the media and performing arts gives foundational significance to her research. Dr. Worley has produced and directed a number of films and stage plays, and she is currently in production on her latest feature-length motion picture, “Behind Church Doors.” She has presented at multiple academic and professional conferences, and her writing has been published in peer-reviewed journals and monographs, including the Project Management Journal and Feminist Media Studies.
Refereed Journal Articles:
Fisher, T.L. (2004). Women of color in the academy of the arts. Journal of Intercultural Disciplines. Biddeford, ME: NAAAS & Affiliates
Worley, T.L.F. Leadership in the margins. Feminist Media Studies, 22(5). Taylor and Francis. doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2021.1996414.
Worley, T.L.F. (2005). Using constraint management to optimize motion picture production management. Project Management Journal. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
Worley, T.L.F. (2019). Art for health: An arts curriculum promoting mental and physical health through arts appreciation. Edgewood, MD: Lifestyle Publishing.
Worley, T.L.F., Ed. (2020) Been there, done that: The business student’s guide to rhetorical analysis & discourse communities. Edgewood, MD: Lifestyle Publishing.
Worley, T.L.F. (2020), College Writing Roadmap for Business Students. Edgewood, MD: Lifestyle Publishing.
Worley, T.L.F. (2020). Inspired by virtue: Inspirational journal for women. Edgewood, MD: Lifestyle Publishing.
Open Source:
Worley, T.L.F., Ed. (2020). Been there, done that: The business student’s guide to rhetorical analysis & discourse communities. Baltimore, MD: PressBooks University of Baltimore.
Worley, T.L.F. (2021). Discourse community for future business leaders. Baltimore, MD: PressBooks University of Baltimore (in press).
Manuscripts in Preparation:
Worley, T.L.F. Marginalized to Mainstream: Toward greater inclusion of African American women in major box office cinema leadership.
Educational coordinator, 2011-present
Virtue in Christ LLC
Chair, Arts in Education, 2019-21
Maryland Parent-Teacher Association (MDPTA)
Doctor of Management, Organizational Leadership, University of Phoenix, 2014
Master’s Certificate, Program Management, George Washington University, 2009
Master’s Certificate, Project Management, George Washington University, 2007
Master of Fine Arts, Film, Howard University, 1992
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism, Utica College of Syracuse University, 1987
American Association of University Professors – Member
American Association of University Women – Member
Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association – Member
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. – Diamond Life Member
Maryland State Arts Council – Independent Artist Awards Panelist
National Society of Leadership and Success – Member
Project Management Institute – Member
Dr. Worley grounded theory research (http://www.blackwomencinema.us) into African American female leadership in major motion pictures reveals the importance of self-determination, cooperative networking, and access, and it is timely considering the current discourse on issues of equity for women.
2020 - Lifetime Achievement Award – Maryland Parent Teacher Association
2010 - Award of Merit – Producer, Bed of Fire, Best Shorts competition
2002 - Award for Educational Video – Writer/Producer, American Red Cross African American HIV/AIDS Program Instructor Skills Demonstration, Telly Awards
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