
Michael D. Klima MFA

Assistant Professor
Schedule an appointment
Grace Jacobs Building
5th Floor, Room 534

2500 W North Ave
Baltimore, MD 21216

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Can help with
Theatrical Design, especially Lighting Design
Theatre History
Theatre Safety

Over the last 35 years, Michael has been the lighting designer for over 150 productions with forty companies across the country for companies including New England Conservatory, Merola Opera Program (division of the San Francisco Opera), Colorado Light Opera, Cleveland Institute of Music, Syracuse Opera, and Opera Illinois. He has also served as the Production Manager or Technical Director on more than forty productions across the country. Michael joined the CSU family in 2018.

M.F.A. in Theatrical Design, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA ‘98 

B.A. in Technical Theatre, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC ‘92

United States Institute of Theatre Technology

Theatrical Design, Theatre History, and Theatre Safety

2024 University System of Maryland Board of Regents' Award - Creative Excellence

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