Office of Records and Registration
Consortium and Inter-Institutional Programs
Fri: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Coppin State University offers a variety of cross registration options that enable students to take classes at other institutions to accumulate credits towards their degree.
Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program
Take courses at community colleges and 4-year institutions outside of the University of Maryland Consortium agreements. With home institution approval, students register and pay tuition and fees directly to the host institution when registering for the classes.
Inter-Institutional Enrollment Program
Undergraduate students at University System of Maryland (USM) institutions can take selected courses at other USM campuses while paying tuition at their home schools.
Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program
Undergraduate students can enroll in courses not offered at their home institution while paying tuition at their home schools. Students must read and abide by the policies of the Inter-Institutional enrollment program and Collegetown Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP).
NOTE: Registrations, course changes including drop/withdrawals/grading for all CSU consortium and cross registration options (IIR, BSEP or PTE) must be coordinated through the CSU IIR/BSEP Coordinator/Registrar Office at 410-951-3709 or at

What is the difference in the Baltimore Student Exchange Program (BSEP), Inter-Institutional Registration Program (IIR) and the Permission to Enroll at Another Institution Program (PTE)?
The BSEP and IIR program applies your course work as “resident credit” the course will count in your GPA. The PTE program allows you take courses at other community colleges and 4-year institutions inside and outside of Maryland that are not part of the USM system. Under the PTE program, your course work will be considered as “transfer” credit and will not count in your GPA.